Mohan Kesani, MD
Cardiologist, Internal Medicine & Vein Specialist
Dr. Mohan Kesani is a cardiologist located in Munster, Indiana. He has an impeccable record as an interventional cardiologist and performs coronary angioplasty, stenting, pacemaker implantation, and comprehensive treatment of venous disease including endovenous ablation (closure of incompetent veins), as well as removal of varicose and spider veins. His practice is primarily focused on preventative cardiology and providing his patients with knowledge that could save their lives. His goal is to achieve an improved level of cardiovascular well-being for his patients. They enjoy the comfort of knowing that they may reach him 24-hours a day. His cardiology practice is fully-equipped with world-class, state-of-the-art technology including these outpatient services:
- 2-dimensional, Cardiac Stress testing (most advanced echocardiographic imaging)
- 2-dimensional Echocardiography
- Heart Rhythm Monitoring
Athletes, as well as those who wish to become more physically fit, are provided with personalized cardiovascular performance testing. Complete assessment of a patient’s current cardiovascular status may rule out potentially life-threatening disorders and thereby provide the individual with the confidence to exercise safely.
Office Locations
Pinnacle Hospital
Specialty Center (South Entrance)
9301 Connecticut Drive
Crown Point, IN 46307
Cardiovascular Consultants
10010 Don S. Powers Drive
Munster, IN 46321
Board Certification
- Cardiologist
Areas of Specialty
Specialty Procedures
- 2-D Echocardiography
- Stress Echocardiographic Study
- Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography
- Carotid Arterial Ultrasound
- Abdominal Aortic Ultrasound
- Peripheral Arterial Ultrasound of Lower Extremities
- Treadmill Stress Test
- Transesophageal Echocardiogram
- Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG)
- 24-hour Holter Monitoring
- Vein Treatment
- Abdominal and Peripheral Angiograms
- Nuclear Stress Test (coming soon!)